Anesh Kumar and Epeli Talei at Flinders University, Adelaide.
15 June 2022
As international borders open and our Scholarship recipients begin travelling again, it is wonderful to see these emerging leaders doing what they do best, making a positive impact on the lives of others!
Epeli Talei and Anesh Kumar mobilised to South Australia in June to commence their respective postgraduate degrees. Upon commencing their introductory programs, they stood out for all the right reasons and in response we received this wonderful feedback from Flinders University Manager, Ms. Odile Ruijs:
“Epeli, upon meeting some other newly arrived awardees during their on-arrival briefing last week, introduced himself to one of our visually impaired awardees as a sighted guide, and offered to assist her during the IAP (and has been doing this regularly). This morning, I also saw him assist another awardee who has mobility issues with his arms – he’s clearly already well established in our group and its only Day 1.
Anesh was a great participant to have in one of our break-out groups this morning ‘Getting to know each other’, helping me break the ice where needed. I think he and an awardee from Bangladesh are already planning to set up an Australia Awards @ Flinders Student Association for networking purposes and to assist people considering coming to Flinders on an Australia Awards scholarship.”
Congratulations Epeli and Anesh, and vinaka vakalevu for making your home country so proud!
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